Monday, June 30, 2008
Diaz Campout...not the best time ever, but memories none the less.
We decided to take the boys camping for Conner's birthday weekend. Well, let me back up...the truth is, we booked the trip awhile ago, not realizing it was Conner's birthday weekend. Once we realized this fact, Day called to check on other dates. Apparently, by calling to check on other dates, the nice woman on the phone took that to mean that we wanted to cancel our spots. We did not realize this fact until about three weeks out, only to find that all the lakeside spots were booked up, and now we would be staying in an alternative site. Not on the water, but fine...right. We'll sort of. That was our first sign of things to come.
Next, we had planned for us, my mom and brother and Mark to all be going. Mark also has a pop-up and my brother was going to be sleeping in his camper. The day before we are suppose to leave, we find out that Mark has to work and will not be able to come with us, leaving Cory with nowhere to sleep. This was our second sign, but still we persevered.
So, on Friday, after a week of VBS and last minute packing we headed out around 3ish. After the two hour drive to Tyler, we found our spot and began the set-up, unloading process. Next thing we know, the camp "host" came to inform us that we couldn't set up any tents on these sights, so Cory got to sleep in the car that night. I had also made Conner a birthday cake to put icing on and decorate when we got there. During the unloading process, Carter decided the van would be his place to play. The cake was in the van, thus it was full of Carter sized crock footprints and no longer eatable. After a measly dinner of hot dogs and mac n' cheese we took a bike ride and showered and went to bed.
Saturday morning started bright and early, and after breakfast Day made a trip to Walmart to get a neted gazebo to try and keep the insane amount of flies away from us while we're eating and to find a replacement for the trashed birthday cake, and a few other things we needed like milk for the homemade ice cream we were going to make later. While the boys went to swim for the second time, mom and I started getting dinner ready...only to realize I had forgotten to pack the corn and the vanilla for the ice cream. When Day got back from Walmart with the screen, we opened the box to put it together, only to find that it didn't come with the frame, so back to Walmart he went, to return the screen and get me some corn. We borrowed some vanilla from our neighbor, and dinner was on again. Day has spent most of the afternoon smoking a yummy brisket in his smoker, and for dinner we had brisket tacos with corn and cole slaw...this was the BEST PART of the WHOLE WEEKEND. We ate ourselves sick. It was so YUMMY! Then we did a quick decorating job and singing happy birthday to Conner and eating some less than yummy ice cream (I didn't put enough vanilla in, so it tasted like ice milk). After dinner we cleaned up and the boys played baseball before it was time for showers and bed again. (Let me just mention that showering with three slippery naked boys is crazy and a bit dangerous. That floor is really slippery and it was like 200 degrees in there. I look forward to the day they can shower themselves.)
As we were getting the boys in bed, the thunder started to rumble and the lighting got closer together. Right about the time we got in bed, the sky fell out and it rained, and rained, and rained...ALL NIGHT LONG!!! About 4:00 I noticed my feet were wet, my side was wet and my head was wet. Needless to say, it was a very long night.
The next morning, I was less that happy and very sleep deprived, so we packed up and got ready to go home. During the hour long packing up process we had the boys in their car seats watching a movie in the van. They were getting restless, so when we were done we decided to go for a short walk before heading out. We walked down the street to the lake and right about the time we got there, it started to sprinkle, then rain, the pour as we ran back to the car as fast as we could. Needless to say, we were all drinched by the time we made it back. We towled off in the car and got the heck out of there! We made our traditional stop at DQ for lunch and made it home in time for more unloading, cleaning, drying out, and general desaster relief.
We will soon be listing our camper on Craig's List, so tell your friends. So long as they don't mind a few leaks. The a/c is awesome, that's about all I can say about it. Oh, and apparently it can sleep 7 people, if you put one on the floor and large boy and an infant on a twin bed. (Cory had to squeeze in with us during the monsoon.)
So, if you're still reading this long rant, you will see that we had a lovely weekend of ups and downs, but we made some memories and will look back on this and laugh, right? Right? RIGHT??? Maybe someday...until then, here are some pics from the trip. Enjoy and be glad it was us and not you;)
Cooper slid into a charcoal pit...SAFE!
Daddys' well deserved nap!
Cooper found a girl (big surprise) named Megan and he chased after her all afternoon. (literally)
Conner on his new bike. What a big boy!
Conner's Birthday Festivities!! (White Trash Camper Style)
Conner is 3
We celebrated Conner's birthday a week early this year, since we will be camping on his actual birthday. So, as far as he's concerned he's already three, but technically he won't be three until Saturday. I spent almost an hour last night looking through three years worth of pictures, blown away at how fast the time has gone. Being the middle child, and the fact that Carter came so quickly after Conner did...much of his first few years is like a blur to me. One thing has not changed, he is still my little sweetheart. Those big brown eyes can get him pretty much anything he wants, and his sweet and tender spirit is like a breath of fresh air in the midst of a stressful and crazy life. His favorite things right now are...his blankie, his Mabrie and anything that Cooper thinks is cool. He doesn't eat, to go potty or to sleep without his blankie. I had to use a slide show for this post...sorry...just too many adorable pictures to share over my little Conner's first three years. To all of you who have help us get Conner this far...thank you, and we love you!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Day's Daddy Day
We had a Dallas Cowboy's themed father's day at our house this year. About a month ago Day made a flippant remark that he would like the boys to have matching Cowboy's shirts to wear on game days. Little did I know that finding these shirts would be next to impossible, unless of course you want to spend a fortune at the Cowboy's store at the mall...which is what I did. Not only did the boys have matching shirts, but mom got her one too. And for daddy, a Tony Romo jersey. He was in Cowboy heaven!
We are so blessed to have a daddy at our house who, first and foremost, loves Jesus and looks to Him daily, and second who would fly to the moon and back if we needed him to. He is always playing outside, pitching a baseball or pushing a swing. Or he's kissing a boo boo or whipping a bottom. He's not above doing anything and everything we need. I know this is a bit late getting out, but we love our daddy everyday, not just on father's day! Here are some pictures from his day and some that show all the many ways he is a wonderful daddy!
We are so blessed to have a daddy at our house who, first and foremost, loves Jesus and looks to Him daily, and second who would fly to the moon and back if we needed him to. He is always playing outside, pitching a baseball or pushing a swing. Or he's kissing a boo boo or whipping a bottom. He's not above doing anything and everything we need. I know this is a bit late getting out, but we love our daddy everyday, not just on father's day! Here are some pictures from his day and some that show all the many ways he is a wonderful daddy!
I don't have a picture with all of us together in our shirts, one because Conner wasn't there...he'd stayed at my moms', and two because I forgot. I will do one and post it later.
Here is a picture of the banner I made for him. Notice the boys shirts:)
Here's just a few of the reasons we love Daddy!!!
Spends Quality Time! Gives Lots of Kisses!
Always there to lend a hand! Can handle just about anything!!
Ranger Game with Dad!
Day took the boys to the Ranger game last week and I got a night off, all to myself! Pawpaw was nice enough to keep Carter for us so that we could both have a fun evening. They had a great time, and Day said that Conner LOVED the peanuts they brought. He work tediously, opening each one and eating the yummy peanuts. He didn't want anyone to help, and he wanted peanuts over cotton candy...Cooper on the other hand, was happy to have the cotton candy all to himself. They even go to give Captain a high five and take a picture.

Cooper with his winning blue dot!
We always root for blue!

Cooper with his winning blue dot!
We always root for blue!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Putt-Putt Playgroup
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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