Wow, June 9th. So much has changed in such a short time! A few short weeks after my last post, some things that I'll spare the details of, took place and my dad moved out of my parents house. The choices he was making left my mother no choice but to ask him to leave. Unfortunately, I had to be the one to discover/catch him making these choices and relay the facts to my mother. Needless to say, I have not been in a bloggy mood. I'm afraid that whatever "followers" I had, have all but deleted me from their readers.
On top of all of that, I've been super busy working on a women's retreat that our church is hosting. I am the head of the publicity team and have been working on everything from posters to name tags. Most recently, I've put together the entire program that we will use at the retreat. Between these two things, I've had very little spare time....UNTIL NOW!
We are currently on our after summer vacation! We've decided to leave all our stress at home, no one is allowed to talk about the yucky stuff waiting for us back home and we're spending some much needed quality time together. My mom and brother are here with us and we're lovin' it! We're gonna be here in Destin until tomorrow morning and then we're off to Disney World for 5 days! My grandparents came to meet us in Destin for a quick visit and it's been great to see them. Here are few pictures from our day might notice that my pictures look a bit better quality...that's because my husband surprised me for my birthday and bought me a D40! I'm still learning, but I LOVE it! (Maybe I'll get time to post about the amazing surprise party he also planned for me...I have an amazing husband!)

Surfer Dude Cooper

Good thing he has on those floaties!

The amazing view from our room

Papaw, Jean & the boys

Dinner on the patio at Angler's. We could look over the balcony and see the boys playing on the playground they had on the beach. Carter was bathing in the sand, and then he decided to take a quick dip in the ocean with all his clothes'll see that in a sec.

The view from our table...

They loved going in the sharks mouth.

Just a tad wet. That's what happens when you fall face first into the ocean!
We had a great first day in Destin. I can already tell that two days wont be nearly enough!